Sunday, March 4, 2012

My New Blog

Someone wondered if I would start a blog highlighting my technology exploits.  I figured, hey, what the hell.  So, here it is!

A little background info on me.  This picture on the right is a self portrait I took of myself when I was sitting in the hotel lobby at the Hyatt Regency in Incheon, South Korea.  It reminds me of one of my favorite Simpson quotes when Marge says to Homer:
"I'm looking up your nose, but I feel like I'm staring into your soul."
I grew up in a farming community in the northeastern part of the US.  My father was an engineer by trade, and I always knew I would follow in his footsteps because when I was 5 I got a R/C truck for Christmas.  I played with it until the batteries died.  Then I found a screwdriver and took it apart.  I almost got it back together, but had a few spare parts.


I have never been satisfied with something how it is.  I am always tweaking something.  I must open the registry editor at least once a week on my windows PCs and I am always using Terminal on my Mac's to tweak something.

I am always playing with the latest and greatest that I can find.  I have been into dual booting computers since Windows 2000 came out.  I have even done a triple boot on a Dell Laptop for Win XP, OS X and Ubuntu.  Why?  Just to see if I could.

I started using Windows Vista and Windows 7 the first Beta I could get my hands on.

One advantage to having multiple devices, I can install these on a computer and test stuff out but still use another that has a more stable OS.

Windows 8 Consumer Preview was released. About 30 minutes after the event started, I had the files downloaded and ready to install on my PC. I am currently running Windows 8 on my personal HDD on my work PC, as well as in a Virtual Machine on my Media PC.

In the past 6 months I have gotten fairly active in the Android Tablet communities as a fun thing to do. 

Stay tuned for exploits on my latest endeavors.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, great life story! I could never tell mine, I am so old that I wouldn't get much input before I croaked!!
